Wednesday, May 15, 2013

First of all I am so sorry I missed my friend Art's birthday. Happy B day my friend. We were at Friday Harbor with all of our old friends with no cell phone connection. It was our 20th anniversary.
Believe me this was a big one for both of us and we had a great. time. This lowest picture is the Salmon stream that runs by our airstream, October and November they will come up and spoon in this spot. I will take pictures for you. The rest are just of Sheri's planters. She has the yard and gardens looking really nice and we are eating out of the vegetable garden already. I have a bunch of new pic's. for you but I have to go back and finish cutting the grass. Sorry Art.
Oh, new sat Internet, life is good. Cant find how to spell the word for "fish laying eggs".

1 comment:

  1. Hi Mike and Sheri;

    Looking forward to seeing the salmon in your stream.

