Wednesday, December 19, 2012
Saturday, October 13, 2012
No pictures today. Winter has come and it's raining. According to the weather people we are in for it tonight and tomorrow. We are snug in our Airstream and warm as toast. I'll have to go outside and put the awnings in, I don't think they will hold up to forcasted wind we are expecting. See you later.
Sunday, October 7, 2012
Well, this is what we do in Port Townsend when all of the tourist leave. The 2nd weekend of October is our "KINETIC SKULPTURE RACE". On Sat. they had their float test to make sure they would not sink during the race. Today is race day. How they do it is beyond me. Up hill, down hill, out in the ocean and back too the beach then through a mud field that i couldn't walk through. Last night there was a dance at the VFW, which is in the middle of town, that you had to be an "adult" to get in. Below are more pictures. I had an attraction to the female participants, guess why?
Saturday, October 6, 2012
This is our fall space. We should be here till Jan. Then I think we will move to our home Escapee's park for the rest of the winter. We are scheduled to be back at the Fort on June 1. The houses you see behind Cooper are the old Non. commissioned officer's homes. These were built 100 years ago and today they are rented for the night, weekend or for the week to the public.
Friday, September 7, 2012
This is the Marine Science building here at the Fort. They have several tide pools inside and instructors for the kids. You are able to feed the critter's and ask all the questions you can think of. The wooden boat festival starts today in Port Townsend. It's really a big deal and there will be lots of beautiful wooden boats. Pictures later.
Tuesday, September 4, 2012
Up on the hill this weekend a bunch of folks moved in to do a reenactment of the early days of the fort. Most all of them are from Canada. My friends Art and Mary will love that. This lady is a welder and she built a large truck to do this in. I'll show you a picture of it in a minute. Did I mention "ART AND MARY ARE COMING TO VISIT US NEXT SPRING". YAY YAY.
Sunday, August 26, 2012
I don't think you can see it but there is a "for sale" sign on the back of this little beauty. It's up in the boat yard in Port Townsend, where I spend a lot of time. It's a 28' Bristle Chanel Cutter built of wood and it is beautiful. The interior is made of exotic hard woods with a lot of brass accents. the owner told me they have gone around the world twice in it. I really love our Airstream, but, I would trade in a minute.
Sunday, August 19, 2012
Sunday, August 12, 2012
This is Denny. He was a friend of mine 35 years ago when we were in the same yacht club in southern California. He and his wife had a Petterson 44ft sail boat just like the one Sheri and I had and we cruised a lot of Mexico together. Denny and his wife Barb now own a small farm here in Port Townsend. The were at the fair showing their prize primitive sheep. They took home all of the blue ribbons this year. Denny is a good friend and a grate sailor.
Monday, July 30, 2012
OK, I'm way late in updating but this moving stuff is hard. Sheri is buried in her kitchen stuff. I tried helping her and you can guess how that went. The joy of our life style is we can take the time to do things right and then do them again if we are not happy with the first results. I just read the morning notes on my friend Art's blog. He and his wife Mary are building their "off the grid home" in Canada. It seams Mary is away and Art is reflecting today. He has a gift for writing and today he put to pen what all of us think about. Thanks Art. You have made me stop and think about life once more.
Sunday, July 22, 2012
Thursday, July 19, 2012
Friday, July 6, 2012
Sheri is looking good. We are getting for our first party of the summer. We have a bunch of friends from Port Townsend coming over.
Here we are. As usual we had more than enough food for everybody.
Below is a couple and their little one getting ready for their morning classes. There is 100s of Fidel players here for the week. They do some free concerts and they are wonderful.
Here we are. As usual we had more than enough food for everybody.
Below is a couple and their little one getting ready for their morning classes. There is 100s of Fidel players here for the week. They do some free concerts and they are wonderful.
Thursday, June 28, 2012
Here is Sheri, on the mend. This was last week and she is up and running around now. She and Smoky spent a lot of time together and now have a very strong bond. Sheri wanted to thank everybody for their good wishes and prayers. She goes tomorrow for another MRI on her eyes then we hope to have a decision from the eye Dr. on her eye surgery.
Friday, June 22, 2012
Monday, June 18, 2012
Friday, June 15, 2012
Saturday, June 9, 2012
Sorry, no pictures today. Sheri is getting ready for surgery this Wednesday and we are really busy. Been at the different Drs. offices almost every day and there is allot of driving to get back and forth. She will come home on Thursday if all goes well. I'll keep you posted. Keep her in your thoughts.
Monday, May 28, 2012
Went to the undersea warfare museum yesterday. It's only about 12 miles south of us and is an easy drive. While walking around I turned a corner and here was a large model of my first boat when I was in the navy. This is the USS Croaker, SSK246. I spent 3 years aboard and we traveled about 25,000 miles. Remember this was in the 1960s and the cold war and Vietnam was going strong. We were based out of Groten Conn. but we weren't there much. Good times
Friday, May 25, 2012
Well we went to the eye doctor yesterday. It appears that Sheri will have to have eye surgery. She is going in for a MRI on her eyes next Thursday. We don't know which surgery will be first, eye's or thyroid. I'll keep you posted.
This vessel is a converted fishing vessel to a yacht and she is beautiful. Just $299,000. Wish I was rich.
This vessel is a converted fishing vessel to a yacht and she is beautiful. Just $299,000. Wish I was rich.
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
Monday, May 21, 2012
Sunday, May 20, 2012
Wednesday, May 16, 2012
Sheri and Smoky are standing in front of our favoriate coffee shop. We don't go here every morning but we are there a lot. The other is "the king" Smoky in his bed, where he spends a lot of time. Were not sure of the date but Sheri will be having her operation for her Graves in the next 3 weeks or so. I'll keep you posted.
This is a picture of downtown Port Townsend. If you look close you can see the snow covered mountains above the the city. The weather has been better than we could of asked for and we have been outside as much as we can to enjoy it. We have been married 19 years as of yesterday. The time has gone by so fast we still can't believe it and we are still on the adventure.
Monday, May 7, 2012
This is a picture of the main gate at our escapees park here in Port Townsend. It has been another beautiful weekend here with temp's in the upper 60s. We spent most of last week in doctor's offices. Sheri is getting ready to have her Graves taken care of. We met the surgen and really liked him. We should know, by the end of this week, her operation date. I'll keep you posted.
Thursday, May 3, 2012
This is some of the things people do up here for fun. It's the anual kite flying contest on the coast. On this day the weather was perfect and we had a ball. We are staying home today and being lazy, not that we are not lazy any other day. It's raining today but the forcast for the weekend is wonderful so we will be out and around.
Monday, April 30, 2012
Here is our camp at the escapees park in Port Townsend. We will be here till the first of June when we move up to the fort. We are really getting in to the north west way of life. Less TV, more reading and a lot of coffee. Went to the farmers market over the weekend. Most everything grown here is organic and the produce and plants are beautiful. I'll post some pictures next week of the market. Busy doctor week this week so posting will be a little less. See you next time.
Friday, April 27, 2012
This is the view from our camp site at the fort. We will be located in down town Port Townsend at Fort Worden. Nice view isn't it. Everything is green and blooming up here, it's a lot different than the desert and we forgot how much we love it. Our town is a lot like our friends Art and Mary's town in Canada. Its small and folky in style. Well Sheri has been out taking pictures so I will down load and see if I can publish any of them.
Thursday, April 26, 2012
This is the wooden boat facality here in Port Townsend. They have a wonderful boat building program and many youth programs. In early fall they have a yearly wooden boat festivle and some of the best looking boats you have ever seen come into town to show off. We voluenteer every year for this weekend and the people are great.
Well I'm in trouble. Here is the little boat I'm thinking about getting. Looks good doesn't it. I really need to get back on the water in some form, it's been way too long. See you next time.
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