Tuesday, May 24, 2011
We are back.
Well after weeks of researcch and a number of new purchases we are back in contact. We are located at "Spillway campground" at Woods Canyon Lake in AZ. spending our summer as camphost's. Our campsite is right on the lake in a small 23 site campground. This happens to be the most visited campground in Az. and is on a reservation system for the season but we have room for friends to stay on our site. The elevation is about 7500 ft. and it took a little to get use to but we made it. Last week we had 5 in. of snow which melted after 2 days. The weather is getting nice now with Temps. in the upper 60s and sunny days. Our friend Tony K. is in Colorado out of contact, hosting a campground for the same company that we are working for. I'm sure he will figure a way to get back on line soon. We have pictures of the camp, lake and snow. I'll get them up soon. See you soon, Mike
Sunday, April 10, 2011
OK so it snowed a little. We can handle it. It was a wet day yesterday here at Roosevelt lake and the snow level did get down to about 4000 feet. It was 38 deg when I got up this morning but it's warming up quick. We are feeling lucky that we did not go to the RIM yet. Forest lakes had about a foot of snow from this new storm. Here are a few pictures. Jimmie will be here sometime today and we will all go to the RIM sometime this week.
Monday, March 21, 2011
Big weekend for the DAM
It's going to be a rainy day in Roosevelt. The spring break group has left and its kind of quiet. John and Barb are here for a few more days and then we expect Tony to arrive from Quartzite. Our new solar system is working really well. Yesterday it kept the battery topped off most of the day and it was cloudy. I'll post a few random pictures below. It was the big 100 year birthday of the Roosevelt Dam last weekend. We got to walk across the dam and saw lots of pictures of the construction. Had a good day and taking live easy.
Saturday, March 19, 2011
It's been a busy few days. Sheri had Dr. appointments the last couple of days. One was in Phoenix and she was gone from 7 am till 8 pm.. The other was in Payson, it only took us 5 hours for that one. Today will be a day of rest for all of us i hope. We have the solar system up and running. The generator is off and we are cranking in free electricity, well it will be free in 87 days.
We received our call for our job on the RIM and they want us to be there on April 12th. We think we will go up on the 6th to get used to the altitude. I have lots of pictures to download and my solar instlation to document so I better get going.
We received our call for our job on the RIM and they want us to be there on April 12th. We think we will go up on the 6th to get used to the altitude. I have lots of pictures to download and my solar instlation to document so I better get going.
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Life is good in the high country of AZ.. We took a short trip with our new friends, Art and Mary, to RIM country yesterday. Now short trip may be a bit misleading. We drove from Roosevelt lake to Payson. Then up the 260 to Canyon lakes. Guess what? The snow is all but gone. This is early for the season but who knows, it could snow before spring comes. We then drove to the Concord ridge area where all of that free camping is. There were a few campers already there for spring break camping and I can't blame them, the weather was perfect. We drove down to the fish hatchery and saw all of the new trout getting ready to hit the local streams.
Now you would think that Canadians traveling in a foreign country would carry a road map in their truck, WRONG...
For some reason we decided to take the unpaved road to Young then on down to the back side of Roosevelt. It really was a neet drive but one you only want to do once.
Just a short note about Art and Mary. We just met them in Quartzite this year with our other airstream friends. It has been one of our best experiences on the road with new friends yet. They are great people and we will keep in close contact with them while they build their new House in Canada.
Now you would think that Canadians traveling in a foreign country would carry a road map in their truck, WRONG...
For some reason we decided to take the unpaved road to Young then on down to the back side of Roosevelt. It really was a neet drive but one you only want to do once.
Just a short note about Art and Mary. We just met them in Quartzite this year with our other airstream friends. It has been one of our best experiences on the road with new friends yet. They are great people and we will keep in close contact with them while they build their new House in Canada.
Monday, March 14, 2011

Well, we made it to Roosevelt lake four days ago. We got a great spot to park and the weather is perfect. Our friends from Canada, Art and Mary, arrived yesterday and are right across from us. Art and Mary were only going to stay for the night. They have to be in Texas next Sunday to get their solar system installed, however, when we went to purchase their camping pass they ended up getting four nights worth of passes. This is how full timeing is supposed to be. No schedule's make life a lot less stressful and allows us to see more of this wonderful country. We are all going to the "Rim" tomorrow and I will take a lot of pictures when we are there.
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Leaving Quartzite
Well, some of my friends here in Quartzite are on my case to publish more often. I feel lucky to get one in each month or at least twice a year. Our time here is growing short. We will leave next Monday, not going all that far, just up to lake Roosevelt. Our two Canadian couples camped with us are also getting under way as well. The good part of all of this is that Art and Mary and Tony are going to join us for a while. Jimmie has to go home for annual checks this month then he will be up as well. The desert has been good to us this year. Not a lot of rain or wind. We are looking forward to a new adventure on the RIM and seeing our friends from Four Corners group. By the way Cooper, our yellow lab is doing grate, He is up and running around and eating like a horse. Good old AZ. dry warm air.
This pic is us in Dec. in Castle Rock WA. and is why we no longer are camp hosting in WA in the winter, what were we thinking.
Thursday, February 24, 2011
I ate so much I cant stand it. Art took a lot of pictures of our breakfast
getogather. We have grown is size, no pun intended, with two more airstream's and
a couple from Canada in a class c motor home. They all came for brunch and we had a very good time. I think we have talked Mary and Art into coming up to Roosevelt for a few days. Tony is going to come up as soon as it warms in Q..The weather is wonderful and we all feel pretty good. I'm more in clined to go solar with gas going up like it is. We will see.
getogather. We have grown is size, no pun intended, with two more airstream's and
a couple from Canada in a class c motor home. They all came for brunch and we had a very good time. I think we have talked Mary and Art into coming up to Roosevelt for a few days. Tony is going to come up as soon as it warms in Q..The weather is wonderful and we all feel pretty good. I'm more in clined to go solar with gas going up like it is. We will see.
Monday, February 21, 2011
I'm back
Well its Feb. 2011. I guess you can say I have been slow in keeping this blog up to date but life is rough. We are back from Wa. state. Had a wonderful summer in 2010 at the KOHO park in Port Townsend and thought we would stay through the winter. What a mistake that was. Sheri became ill with Graves Diaese and our docter would not let her fly back to Wa. so down I came with the two dogs and the bird. Had a good trip down and really missed Sheri. We are in Quartzite with a bunch of other Airstreamers and happy as can be. Sher is doing much better. She is seeing a specialist and we feel her treatment is very good. The group is mostly moving from here about March 6th. We will be at Roosevelt lake for a while then to the high country and a camp host job for the summer. I promise I will do better at keeping this up to date. Mike
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